A little more about me

So, I know I kind of went a little off topic the other night. Then yesterday, I didn't post at all, and I typed this last night & forgot to publish it🤦‍♀️, shame on me 🤷‍♀️😂. But anyway, let's get back to it. To continue a little more about my life & dealing with me, lol. I am a parent of 2, with quite the age difference between them, don't think you can truly plan when you're having kids, just saying.

I was first diagnosed with my issues, in 2000, that's when I was introduced to all those lovely medicines I don't like. I figured out after about 6 months to a year, the lower doses stop working for me. Yeah, the Dr wanted to increase the mg, but I wasn't about that, I would make them find something else. And finally after the 3rd medication, I decided to find a different route on dealing with my issues.

It just so happened that I discovered how calming music was for me, by accident. I've always had a love for music, since I was a little girl. Music always played in our house, if the TV wasn't on, the radio, vinyl, or 8 track tape, some kind of music playing.


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