Moving Forward
We moved a lot when I was growing up, when I sit & count how many grade schools I went to before 5th grade, it was 7, the 7th being where I finished 4th grade & finally stayed in that school system. Though, 1 of the 6 prior schools, I was only there 2 weeks, I still attended that school LOL. That's probably another reason I am the way I am, moving as much as we did, it is detrimental to kids. You finally get comfortable with everyone, & boom, you're moving again. Matter of fact, I went to 3 different schools my 4th grade school year, yeah, you have those bonds that form quickly & you keep in contact with some & lose others.
Between, what happened when I was 7, in the 2nd grade, and moving around so much, I think that is why I have attachment issues. I really have a hard time staying "attached" to people, even family, I'm not overly family oriented, will totally own that. I don't think dealing with my parents issues had anything to do with it, just the constant moving, well, could have a very small factor, but not like the moving. I was like a nomad as a kid, I'm not sure the reasons why we moved so much but we did.
Mother & Dad finally split when I was in 2nd grade, Dad quickly remarried the same year their divorce was final. And of course that meant another school system my 3rd grade school year, but as you can probably guess that rebound marriage didn't last long. I'm not complaining, I got a really cool stepbrother & sister, and to this day, I still call them my brother & sister, as well as calling their Mom, Mom. It was a fun time in my life, rough like any blended family can be at times, but we made the best of it.
Things happen for a reason, I am a firm believer in that. We all put our pants or skirt on, 1 leg at a time, created equally. Be kind, help those who are struggling more than you, if you have just the tiniest of means to do so.
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