My introduction

Hey, welcome to my twisted since of self. As I mentioned on my about me page, my name is Dustie, I live in a small rural area in Southern Ohio. The purpose of my page is to hopefully help others in their everyday life of dealing with some form of mental "illness". I put the illness in parentheses, because I don't see it as an illness, an illness to me, is like the flu, pneumonia or a HORRIBLE cold. I have a mental issue, an issue I choose not to be medicated over, that is a personal preference.

Yes, I've been on meds, celexa, lexapro, zoloft, and I think that's it *insert thinking emoji here* . I don't like feeling like I'm in a walking haze, again, personal preference. I will ramble on & on, that's what I do, and again, like mentioned on my welcome/home page, I am grammatically challenged, so please, don't contact me over my grammar, or lack of, I am aware of it, thank you :) That's why I said it to begin with on the main page. Anyway, this is my blurb for the day.

Stay tuned, I'm a font of useful or useless knowledge, depending on how you look at it. And again, my outlet is here to be some help, not to harm or be mean, I see things from a different perspective then others.


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